Welcome thru-hiker!

Thanks for visiting! THRU-HIKING.com is the community and resource for inspiration about trails, planning, preparation, gearblogs, funny stories and everything else you’ll need to know about hiking long-distance trails. Looking for a shorter trail? Check it our here!

Join us on our mission to build the most connected thru-hiking community!

Find your next thru-hike! Te Araroa Slovenian Mountain Trail Pacific Crest Trail Via Alpina HexaTrek Transcaucasian Trail Appalachian Trail Santiago de Compostella

Trail Talk from the community

Read the best stories from our thru-hiking ambassadors and get tips and tricks for your next long-distance trail.
Find all the blog posts here!

Find the information you're looking for

Thru-hiking and walking long-distance trails starts with a good preparation. And said so, it’s half of the fun! We collected some basic information to help you out. Prepare for your next thru-hike.

Find thru-hiking trails.

How to plan a thru-hike.

It’s half of the job…

Define your gear list.

Leave no trace! 

The community for thru-hikers

Calling all hikers! Whether you are an experienced thru-hiker, newbie long-distance hiker, a section hiker or anything in between, you’re very welcome to be a part of this thru-hiking community. We strive to be an inclusive space for everybody with shared values and a passion to hit the trails. Make life changing connections with nature, yourself, and with other hikers who have the same care for time outside. 

Join us on our mission to build the most connected thru-hiking community.  

You may also like our website for shorter trails, check it out on hiking-trails.com!



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